
Wangaratta Walking and Cycling Strategy

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How do I make a comment on the map?

The online mapping program enables you to provide feedback and comment anywhere on the map of the Rural City of Wangaratta in relation to walking and cycling.

You can:

  • Create a feedback post anywhere on the map
  • Create a feedback post on a proposed or existing path
  • Comment on or like an existing feedback post

To create a feedback post:

  1. Go to the online mapping web page: Click here
  2. Find the path location by typing in an address in the search field or navigate using your mouse or touch screen
  3. Click on the Add feedback button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen
  4. Click on the map where you wish to provide a feedback post
  5. Fill out the form that pops up on the left hand side of the screen
  • Press “Submit” to lodge your feedback post


To create a feedback post on a proposed or existing path:

  1. Go to the online mapping web page: Click here
  2. Find the path location by typing in an address in the search field or navigate using your mouse or touch screen
  3. Click on the path you would like to provide feedback on (Hint: you may need to turn on additional path layers from the layers tab on the left hand side to see the path displayed)
  4. Fill out the form that appears on the left hand side of the screen under the Information tab
  5. Press “Submit” to lodge your feedback post


To comment on or like an existing post:

  1. Find the feedback post  on the map that you would like to comment on by typing in an address in the search field or navigate using your mouse or touch screen
  2. Click on the feedback post 
  3. On the left hand side of the screen in the Information tab, tick the Like box and/or leave a comment in the Comment box.
  4. Press “Submit” to lodge your Comment.

Please contact us if you need assistance using the Online mapping program on 03 5722 0824.

Please note that while every effort has been made to ensure accurate information is mapped, there may be some errors or missing data.